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Yeah, I know. I’m kind of late to the party here. Whatever. I’ve had a lot going on lately and have been in a bit of a funk. Luckily for me, I have some amazing friends that know me well enough to know just how to cheer me up when I’m feeling down. Around 12:30 this morning, two of said friends sent me holiday text messages. I recently got a new phone number and don’t have many of my contacts transferred just yet, but I knew who they were from almost immediately.

It's people like this that make life worth living.

It’s people like this that make life worth living.

After I stopped laughing and changed my pants, I made good on my promise to turn that cute little guy into a reindeer.

Can you say perfection?

Can you say perfection?

But because I couldn’t sleep, and also because I’m me, I couldn’t stop there. I decided that I needed to make some holiday greeting cards. Jeneral Insanity style.

Everything is better with jazz-hands.

Everything is better with jazz-hands.

Santa is a whore.

Santa is a whore.

I'm not sure this is what Bob Ross had in mind...

I’m not sure this is what Bob Ross had in mind…


How else do you think he eats all those cookies?

How else do you think he eats all those cookies?

Elves need love too.

Elves need love too.

You're welcome.

You’re welcome.

Thanks for the late night entertainment, Erica and Greg! You are one of the most amazing couples I know, and definitely suited for each other! I freaking love your faces — and Greg’s hairy nipple.

I know you’re all jealous of my mad art skills right now, and also of my knack for finding some of the craziest strangest creepiest best psychos weirdos people on the planet to call my friends. Knock it off though. Envy does not look good on you. Besides, you’re more than welcome to join the clan. Just bring wine. Or snacks. Or booze. Or a monkey wearing a fancy hat.

You can also stalk my friend Erica online if you wish. She writes (sometimes) over at Yeah, I’m a Nerd. (She doesn’t write very often, and when I went there tonight to double-check the URL, it was all wonky and the pictures are missing, but the words are still there.)

Do you have a picture you’d like to send me so that I can try to turn it into something stupidly awesome or strange? DO IT! You can either send it to jeneralinsanity at gmail dot com, or post it to my FB page. I would tell you to tweet me, but I forgot my password. Again.